Radical Acceptance & Kindness During Chaos

Originally published March 22, 2020

I wanted the main photo for this post to be one of the first photos I captured of Ezra smiling. He was about a week old here. I keep this photo with me because when shit hits the fan, it is my anchor.

It reminds me that when, in the moment I was tired and struggling, a little bit of sunshine in the form of a baby smile kept me grounded.

Speaking of shit hitting the fan though, COVID19 has really been something else. I understand that it's far worse than the flu and it makes me worried for family with littles and elderly folks. Ezra is higher risk due to his respiratory issues. Point is I'm an empath so I am struggling seeing people in general struggling. I feel like I could help more. I also feel like teleworking while watching a toddler who deviated from his schedule is like juggling knives.

It's times like this where I am struggling with practicing radical acceptance. I'm sprinkling kindness where I can and I find comfort in seeing others doing the same. Someone left girl scout cookies on my porch the other day.

I wanted to write this to just reach out and check in with everyone. If you're struggling, I truly hope that you don't hesitate to say something to me or to anyone. All we can do is practice the serenity prayer like crazy and be there for one another. There's no shame though in feeling like we aren't in control but we can't let it consume us.

Pray, meditate, talk it out. We will cope, we will reflect, and we will rise.

You know I love lists so I'll end again with a list of ten things to do during this time of crisis:
1. Make a cup of tea or coffee.
2. Write a letter and mail it to a friend.
3. Leave "care packages" for neighbors with toilet paper, words of kindess, etc.
4. Color or draw.
5. Make an inspirational playlist.
6. Cook something new.
7. Sleep in (schedule permitting).
8. Build yourself a routine.
9. Check on a friend. Facetime or phone call.
10. Build a pillow fort.

This is definitely a list that can grow exponentially, what would you add?


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