About Us

Lala & Ezra Day 1

Hello! I am Angela, or Lala for short. I created this blog to document my adventures as a  mama to a wonderful baby boy. His name is Ezra and he is an absolute joy! He was born in July 2018 and we have been a team ever since (well, even in utero). It's not all sunshine and snuggles. There's rainy days and tantrums. We aren't perfect but we are unapologetically so.

I am a strong woman raising a strong boy to be a strong man. Most of all, I am raising him to be kind and to love himself and others. This blog is a safe space for all parents and their children, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. Diversity is beautiful! I myself am queer and Ezra has two mommies, although we are separated. I have a partner as well who is a bonus mom to Ezra so, #blendedfamily! 

I promise I will try and post consistently but you know, #momlife. When I do post, I will share milestones, success, learning moments, parenting tips or S.O.S. requests, product reviews, and more. This blog will serve as an extension of our Instagram page @honeyhoneylife and will allow me to write a bit more and explore topics more.

I am always down to collaborate or feature and am open to anyone wanting to network or simply say hello. Simply leave a comment, contact me, or engage on Instagram.

 I know I am not everyone's cup of tea but it's ok, I prefer coffee. Where are all my caffeinated mamas at?



  1. Love it. I don’t know if anyone told you but keep up the great work you are a great awesome mother.
