20 Self-Care Ideas for Single Moms

It's Saturday. It's probably my fourth weekend day alone. My ex has visitation and Ezra is with her. It's only for four hours but, being a mom, I forgot what to do when my little monster isn't here. The silence scares me now. Being alone scares me. The first day I stayed in the tub for two hours. TWO hours. I looked like a raisin and felt hollow.

I've slowly been getting my footing and have been using this time to rediscover myself. I meal prep and try out new recipes and do a little TLC such as face masks and napping. I wanted to write this aimed at single moms primarily for single moms but honestly if any mom has some down time, these ideas will come in handy. Sometimes we forget our identity as a badass woman outside of being a super mom. Without further ado, lets jump into the 20 ideas I am currently working through slowly (kind of like a dream list but the prize is loving yourself & these are totally obtainable):

  1. Make your own face mask. I highly recommend honey and tumeric mixed together. 
  2. Take a bubble bath and shave your legs. Yes, I said it. Shave and bask in the smoothness.
  3. Start a journal. Write whatever the hell you want. Poetry? Cool. Doodles even? Yes.
  4. Take a walk. Bonus points if it is somewhere new and you have a pet to bring. 
  5. Go on a shopping spree at Dollar Tree. Give yourself a reasonable limit like $10.
  6. Watch that movie you've been meaning to see that isn't kid friendly. *Ahem* Magic Mike?
  7. Get a pedicure or manicure. DIY or buy, depending on budget. 
  8. Make your own coffee and slowly sip it while it is warm. Enjoy it mama.
  9. Make a new playlist of music to jam to. Girl power anthems? No baby shark?
  10. Go potty with the door open without fear. No little voices screaming mama? Nice.
  11. Learn a craft (or re-learn). I chose coloring but you can do knitting, painting, and more.
  12. Start a blog. Personal or public, it's up to you. Trust me, it's fun if you actually have time.
  13. Workout. Get that body moving! I like zumba but keep looking until something inspires you.
  14. Light a candle. Easy, yes. Soothing, double yes.
  15. Go to a park. No, not the playground. Bring a blanket and snacks/drink and have a picnic.
  16. Read a book. The local library is a wonderful resource.
  17. Get a home project done. Clean out your closet and have a fashion show all at once.
  18. Find a mom group & connect. Single, WOC, LGBTQ, Christian, etc. They're out there!
  19. Make yourself a good meal. If you have a toddler, you're probably living on chicken nuggets.
  20. Enroll in an online class. I've picked up some Photoshop classes. There's tons out there.

And there it is! Get back to yourself. A confident mama who knows who she is and where she stands can become an even better mom for her babes. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. Coparenting is tough but that time where you have a small break is vital for you to recharge your energy so when your babies come back, you can greet them with a renewed sense of self.


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